How can l buy a doll? Ready made dolls are available to purchase through Big Cartel unless stated otherwise on Instagram @littlemisstippytoes
How often do you restock? Whilst some adjustments are being made to ensure regular listings it is best to keep updated via Instagram. Every effort is made to restock as often as is possible.
Can l reserve a doll? Reservations are not available at this time.
Do you offer custom work? In small batches and at specified times Natalie will offer a limited amount of custom placements. Please follow on Instagram to keep up to date with any upcoming releases.
How tall are your dolls? Little Miss Tippy Toe dolls come in two sizes. The Petites are approx 38 cms tall (15 inches) and the Tippy Toes are approx 48cms tall (19 inches).
Are your dolls an original design? Yes! All Little Miss Tippy Toe designs are original and exclusive since 2010. As such designs are Copyrighted.